Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lindsey got new glasses and other news...

Guess who got some new glasses!? My older sister Lindsey did! :) They came in the mail yesterday and She needed some new glasses badly. Mom and I picked them out for her online. They look great on her and she feels like she got a new look.
This is before she got her new glasses... (Could not stand these)

And these are her brand new glasses. I'm pretty sure I love them more than she does but I don't care. She likes them and feels better about herself. Plus she's blind as a bat with the other glasses. She was quite surprised and I loved seeing her reaction. She looked so happy and was eager to put them on. She says they feel different but loves them. Talk about an upgrade! :)
Mom has been investing a lot in us, and by that I mean doll clothes. She bought Josefina some riding boots, Lindsey's glasses, the coral sweater from Isabelle's collection, The sweater coat set she bought from amazon, and she got me pink Uggs that are coming in. :o I feel like she's spoiling us and I kind of feel bad about it but she loves investing her time in us. It's been hard for Mom lately since she moved to a new house and all us dolls can do is be there for her and each other. I'm still adjusting to this house and it's kinda small when you have 11 other sisters and I know for a fact that this doll family will eventually keep growing. Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters very much but when you live with so many of them it can hectic and tough. I'll be spending the weekend just me and Mom so I'll be looking forward to that.

1 comment:

  1. The number Guy's and Gal's here is growing, too! With the possible archival of our favorite historical, like Josie, Juliet just has no idea how to plan her buying this year! Me and her both like #49, and #61 (have you seen the leaks?), but if Josie retires's she told me she just might get another one to customize, she loves Josefina almost as much as me! if Josie is going, there must be another hispanic doll to replace. So, we need to wait to leaks on both the new historical (released in 2015) and GOTY 2015 :( I hate waiting!

    On the brightside, Lindsey looks great! You're right, the other ones really over-powered her face. I've realized that us dolls look best in thinner glasses :)
    ~Sallie-Mae, Chestnut Street

    PS- I love reading your posts, especially being another 18 inch blogger ;)
