Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sonali is here!

Hi guys! Sonali came to our house this after noon. I came down stairs and I saw Chrissa and her together watching TV. I said hi to her and introduced myself. She is actually very nice. We talked a little bit and giggled at Sponge Bob. Chrissa loves that show and we looked at the American girl catalog. Did you know American girl came out with new dolls? If you didn't know, you can check on there website. Anyways, Sonali is really pretty and we get along great. I'm not sure how Marisol is going to react because she doesn't like new dolls. I'm going to give Sonali a tour around the house so she'll know were to go. :) ~Bella


  1. YAY!! Sonali is here!! I wouldn't worry too much about Marisol. She probably won't retaliate to Sonali considering she is one of the first LE friend. Wait! She will, but only because she didn't get one. Oh well, she doesn't deserve one.

  2. Congrats on your new sister! Sonali is so pretty! :-)


  3. Hey Bella!
    Wow that's great! Sonali looks so cool! Can't wait to learn more about her ;)

  4. Congrats! I'm glad that Sonali is nice, she is really cute too!

  5. That's awesome! Sonali is pretty! I love Bella's outfit!!! She looks adorable!!!!!
